Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary


what base should i use for staff-crafting.
What ilvl would be the best or at least how low can it be to still have the chance of highest rolls (84? 85?).

And can i go for the "normal" Eclipse Staff or do i have to go for shaper/elder etc.?
Just don't want to waste time and currency on the worng base.
Последняя редакция: MaryHuana#2695. Время: 2 апр. 2020 г., 15:28:20
jrelthewise написал:
My current gear, running Shav's low-life like I always do. Non-crit, abusing EO and Supercharge. Tearing the endgame to shreds and having a blast. Still many more improvements to make. Crafted the majority of the gear myself, it's too satisfying. The rings were quite expensive but worth the quality of life and damage.

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What would you estimate your investment into this set up is?
Has anybody tried to go to Counterweight through Devotion and Whirling Barrier in passive tree at levels 80-90, instead of adding jewels?
MaryHuana написал:

what base should i use for staff-crafting.
What ilvl would be the best or at least how low can it be to still have the chance of highest rolls (84? 85?).

And can i go for the "normal" Eclipse Staff or do i have to go for shaper/elder etc.?
Just don't want to waste time and currency on the worng base.

Youll get +3 lightning on all Eclipse staffs
Look here to choose the mods you want.

I like shaper and elder base. Dont worry about the cost its super cheap.
I bought a lvl85 shaper base earlier for 20c
Couple of hundred jewellers orb to get it 6 socket
Paid 125 fusing to craft a 5-link (or you can gamble for it)

Check the list of prioritised affixes in enki's guide if you are unsure about the good ones.
I'm around 90 and find at this point that pretty much with this build chaos will pretty much one shot you snd Enki's high end gear is nearly impossible to obtain this league because the markets are in hell. Everything sells too low to make the currency and the things needed is too high. I was heavily considering replacing most enki's level 80-90 with the new large cluster trees. There's no global crit unfortunately but I can get small passive stacks of certain stats light lightning damage and spell damage and health while getting skills like 30% increase to wrath aura and other such skills. I think for the cost of 1 passive I could build more damage and other such this route if I can get the right modifiers on my large clusters or find them through trade. had one with a base of 12% lightning damage for instance so I rolled the rest that small passive would remain which I've rolled 10% spell damage before also. However i feel at 90 it's bosses almost 1 shotting you and grouped ranged enemies that do chaos and poison often in the maps that are the huge threat and often unavoidable through red maps. Even more life from the small passives would benefit and with 1 really good large cluster you probably could replace having 4 sockets for 1 and put those extra points into the large cluster instead. Anyways I'm no expert I just figured it might be an alternative route here.
ChaosCreature7 написал:
I'm around 90 and find at this point that pretty much with this build chaos will pretty much one shot you snd Enki's high end gear is nearly impossible to obtain this league because the markets are in hell. Everything sells too low to make the currency and the things needed is too high. I was heavily considering replacing most enki's level 80-90 with the new large cluster trees. There's no global crit unfortunately but I can get small passive stacks of certain stats light lightning damage and spell damage and health while getting skills like 30% increase to wrath aura and other such skills. I think for the cost of 1 passive I could build more damage and other such this route if I can get the right modifiers on my large clusters or find them through trade. had one with a base of 12% lightning damage for instance so I rolled the rest that small passive would remain which I've rolled 10% spell damage before also. However i feel at 90 it's bosses almost 1 shotting you and grouped ranged enemies that do chaos and poison often in the maps that are the huge threat and often unavoidable through red maps. Even more life from the small passives would benefit and with 1 really good large cluster you probably could replace having 4 sockets for 1 and put those extra points into the large cluster instead. Anyways I'm no expert I just figured it might be an alternative route here.

I spent 2 hours and about 50 regret orbs trying to get more damage out of cluster jewels. I started with something like 220k damage from the normal tree and the best I could do on cluster jewels was something like 180k. There are some very nice notable skills in the cluster jewels but its the cost of points to get them which kills the value. 99% of the time regular passive nodes like Lightning walker, throatseeker etc do more damage per point. (but i am no expert so I have probably missed a lot)

The only thing that still looks promising to me is the herald stacking meta. Sure GGG had to nerf it because it was ridiculously stupidly godlike strong, but even after the nerf I hear its still over-powered, I was thinking about giving it a try this weekend.
Thanks you for the guide. Has been very resourceful.
The hyperlink in Pantheons for "Chain" is not working.
Maybe the medium cluster jewels instead of the large. I got 4 passive medium jewel and all it was was a critical strike and multiplier passive skills and a gemstone slot. I honestly only see the use of increases from the clusters from skills anyway. the medium seem to drop a lot less though and there's no global crit on small passives. The uniques don't seem to have anything for us asides Sap. I haven't seen a medium with 3 skills so i don't know if there are ones still you're right and they probably all are a waste. I think the devotion from whirling blade isn't so good. There's a lot of life going down that path however but it takes 11 passives in the tree from the nearest branch from this. Maybe this is the limitation that arc can get and most people will have to move on to another build after some point in the 80-100 range. The problem I see so far with this build is it still doesn't have enough damage to just push things or it doesn't have enough life for some of it. Just takes a group of off screen archers that often have chaos damage to kill you off and most of the red tier map bosses will start to one shot without the high end. Even then with this build you're probably going to die a lot with red tier no matter what you do and there isn't too many skills outside of what Enki has for much better.
I saw that on the upgrade list order you have the Atziris promise. Just wondering does it just make us pop off pretty hard? or are we using it as a defensive cast for bosses?
I tried large jewels, medium and small, and struggled to find damage with all. The medium jewels do seem most rare.

The herald stacking thing still seems extremely powerful, I just not sure if I have the skill and experience to make it work!

Medium cluster jewel = 10% increased damage while affected by a herald

node: endbringer notable passive = 25% increased damage for each herald affecting you
x5 heralds = 125%
x6 endbriger nodes = 750% increased damage

node: Purposeful Harbinger: = Aura Buffs from Skills have 10% increased Effect on you for each Herald affecting you
x5 heralds = 50%
x6 purposeful harbinger nodes = 300%

Node: Heraldry
20% increased effect of herald buffs on you
10% reduced mana reservation of herald skills
x6 nodes

So the perfect (affected by a herald) medium cluster roll is:
- Endbringer
- Purposeful harbinger
- Heraldry

Mastermind of discord:
25% increased effect of herald buffs on you
25% reduced mana reservation of herald skills

The devouring diadem:
Socketed gems have 20% reduced mana reservation

The tricky part will be trying to socket all heralds and enough auras without running out of mana reserve.
Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 6:16:02

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