Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Great build man, i noticed you removed The Queens Hunger, any particular reason?
It is your own damn fault...
Kellzzz написал:
Great build man, i noticed you removed The Queens Hunger, any particular reason?

probably because a rare with crit is better dps (and the option of +1 to gems) and has better stats overall
I am new to POE, so this is my first League and first build.
For that reason, I choose Enki´s arch witch to build, as this felt like the best place to start and get an idea of the whole process..

The Build guide is great, but I feel like something is missing when I compare the previous version to the current delirium league version, or maybe I just missed something, because I feel stuck. (I am sure the answer can be found in the guide itself, but somethings are confusing for a new player, or at least me)

I am currently doing Maps T5, and am doing them pretty fast but dying a lot (so lvl progression is none existing).
So my main focus has been life + resistance for now, but my dmg. feels like it is lacking too.

I am currently working on my gems getting 20% quality otherwise I am just trying to generate currency so I can up my life + resistance.

Any advice in gear + passives, is appreciated

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/dankyduck82/characters (DankineDuck)
Hey Enki!
Thanks for the amazing guide, its my first ever league in POE, and im am having a blast with your Arc witch build. I got it pretty good so far aswell. I just rounded 140k dps on my arc spell (in-game).

I have a question for you: I got "The Devouring Diadem" - and i followed your guide all the way. You say you can fit 1 ekstra aura in the build. My mana reserve wont allow that. I can only play with three: Either: Wrath, Disciplin, Zealotry or replace wrath with Flesh and stone. Is it in fact possible to play all 4 at the same time?

E1ipsis написал:
Hey Enki!
Thanks for the amazing guide, its my first ever league in POE, and im am having a blast with your Arc witch build. I got it pretty good so far aswell. I just rounded 140k dps on my arc spell (in-game).

I have a question for you: I got "The Devouring Diadem" - and i followed your guide all the way. You say you can fit 1 ekstra aura in the build. My mana reserve wont allow that. I can only play with three: Either: Wrath, Disciplin, Zealotry or replace wrath with Flesh and stone. Is it in fact possible to play all 4 at the same time?


make sure u took 4% reduced mana reserved in your passive skill tree, I think that should help
Can I get a gear check on mine as well? I'm A4 right now, haven't fought Sirus and struggling getting 1 shot on T15-16 maps.

Can clear waves just fine, Delirium is just a bit rough and bosses in CQC can be pretty rough. The Hunter Conqueror is a yikes fight for me.
Последняя редакция: Rainbowish#1169. Время: 2 апр. 2020 г., 10:15:29
Hey! I'm looking for some assistance.
First time I'm playing POE and I've followed this guide.
Here is the link to my character: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Vulcaiiin/characters (Lvl 89 named Vulcaniaaa)

Does anyone have anyone some comments about on how I could continue to progress slowly, at the moment I keep dying on and on on Map Tier 11-12 can't even keep some experiences to get to level 90. What can I do?

Thanks for your comments.
Could someone take a look at my stuff and see if there is anything that is really screwed up that can be fixed pretty easily. Since I am playing on console, it is pretty tough to just go out and buy the stuff I need for the build, since it is usually just either not available or way too expensive. And some of the required items it seems you need to to defeat bosses that are too hard without the items already there it seems, hope that makes sense.

Trying to get two red, a blue and a green (in the right sequence) on the same item seems just about impossible, just saying lol.

Anyway, the game is so overwhelming for me still, so easy to get lost in the all the stuff available to do, so be nice when replying please.

I don't know if there is a way to share the nice pics of gear from console version (let me know if there is), so here is my profile which shows my gear and passives.

thanks for the great guide! :) with the latest patch you can activate a skill AND move with both on left click. I found having Steelskin on left click has helped me get more utility out of it rather than joined with 'cast when damage taken' which was hardly getting used as it takes so much to activate now (and now it's on almost all the time).
Последняя редакция: AceKilla#0476. Время: 2 апр. 2020 г., 13:30:02

1 wrong move and you get 1-shot

cant finish delirium boss wave ~16ish

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