Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Somler that's actually about right for the wall. You're pretty much at endgame content from there. This would be where you start focusing his endgame gear. Focus particularly on the stats and modifiers he's focused on in his listed gear and read the info on that. Also I'd look at his listed guide for gearing up. Compared to some of the classes Witch and ranger don't get a lot health in there tree so it'll be tough regardless. I'd look at other people's suggestions on how they made it easier for them in the posts as some people have slightly different methods and gear. For instance they might use the impala's broken heart for there chest which blows up enemies you kill doing damage to other enemies. I'd take a look and see what works for you. Some of Enki's high end gear is insane though to buy. It's probably why he has bottled faith at the end of the list to obtain along with level 4 awakened gem. and such so other people's suggestions could be cheaper. Enki's also got insane stats that you may have a hard time obtain for gear in high end it's worse this season with the market being so poor.
Zeeul написал:

Double gold (gives a 50% chance for towers in range of your buff/embuing tower to do double damage)
This is the best guide I have seen:

Thanks for your answer

Can i use it in both rings?
Hi Enki

I've been playing on and off for quite a while now and I always keep coming back to your build.

Not sure if I'm being an idiot, but how do I see the current Passive build like it shows in game? It's completely changed and feeling a bit lost.

Please help.

PS - turns out I was an idiot. Kept picking the Scion and wondering what I'm doing wrong. Ignore me please.
Последняя редакция: acheronia#2564. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 17:45:29
popers83 написал:
Zeeul написал:

Double gold (gives a 50% chance for towers in range of your buff/embuing tower to do double damage)
This is the best guide I have seen:

Thanks for your answer

Can i use it in both rings?

I do
DvDpC написал:
Hi all, Thanks Enki for the great build, last league I tried other arc build with Impulsa and 2 wands, didn't impress me much but this looks very nice, Im enjoying playing arc now :)
Anyway I have question or just maybe some idea for Enki or someone who could solve the problem. I'm 89lvl and looking at 90+devouring diadem skill tree (after I reach 90) somehow I'm missing 2 extra passives!?

If any one would know why it could be I would be really appreciated with answer.
p.s. I checked my tree 100 times and there is no mistake (unless Im all 100 times missed one spot :D )

Thx and good luck Exiles

P.S. just checked all side quests who give skill points are done.
DvDpC написал:
DvDpC написал:
Hi all, Thanks Enki for the great build, last league I tried other arc build with Impulsa and 2 wands, didn't impress me much but this looks very nice, Im enjoying playing arc now :)
Anyway I have question or just maybe some idea for Enki or someone who could solve the problem. I'm 89lvl and looking at 90+devouring diadem skill tree (after I reach 90) somehow I'm missing 2 extra passives!?

If any one would know why it could be I would be really appreciated with answer.
p.s. I checked my tree 100 times and there is no mistake (unless Im all 100 times missed one spot :D )

Thx and good luck Exiles

P.S. just checked all side quests who give skill points are done.

I believe you need to change your bandit choice from Alira to Eramir. That will give you 2 extra skill points but you will loose the bonuses (all res) from Alira. This is how you can change it:

Hi guys, quick question concerning the build.

I have been following it since the beginning and now just reached yellow maps, lvl 86. I'm enjoying it a lot but I was wondering, sometimes i'd like to change the gameplay a bit.

Would it be possible to keep everything the same and just use Ball lightning instead of Arc from time to time?
I tried Herald stacking.

I started with:
Life: 4905
ES: 2465
Arc Damage: 265159

I had to take 35 points away from the skill tree which devastated everything!

Ended up with:
Life: 4131
ES: 1967
Arc Damage: 253298 (500% increased damage from Endbringer stacks)
Evasion rating: 10523 from the gem alone (no evasion gear)

I could only get 4 heralds running at once with wrath and grace. (I have no idea which are the best haralds to use)

Got herald of lightning and purity down to a cost of 5% mana reserve the others are 10% mana reserve.

Still have MOM, zealots oath, eldritch battery.

Since i have +200% effect from auras I wonder if grace is the best defensive aura to use? I wonder if someone who actually knows what they are doing could do better.
He was also asking how he gets Vaal Arc.
Vaal arc is from corrupting the arc gem. you can do this with vaal orbs. However it has a random chance not to give you the level 21 he wants you to get from his guide. you can get a lot of other results corrupting it including de leveling it losing quality or gaining and such also so you might not get the level 21 he posted. you could also buy the gem using the trade site.

hello everyone sorry for my bad english.
i start the game in this season,
I have a question.
my current items like this.

In arc setup, it gains +1 (+9 chains in total) chains from to empower support.
and arc dps becomes 183,000.

but if I set up increased critical strikes support instead of empower, the total is 8 chains and and arc dps becomes 210,000.

which one do you think is better?

what is mean that chains mechanics its work on single target ?
Последняя редакция: emre91u#3067. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 20:20:06

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